Sungguk's lab


which one do you want? either one is fine. anything is fine. we can have whatever you want. it doesn’t matter i dont’ care 은 그 논점에 관심없다는 뜻

I think I was a little careless with my words

I’m sorry I was a little careless with my words don’t let it get to you. Don’t take it so personally. 공손하게 부탁할때 I’d like it if we could do something together.

Use google sheet API

I’m going to use google sheet like a databas How to Materials: API를 사용할수있게 설정부터 하여야한다. 에 들어가면 왼쪽...

I used to be one of those people

I used to be one of those people who had to always be in a biggest city I used to be the kind of person 이라고 할수도 있음.

There may have been some misunderstanding

It looks like there may have been some misunderstanding about ~ I just want to take a moment to clean that up just so that there is no more confusion. Once we get the straighted out, we can move ...

I't a rere opportunity

It’s a rare opportunity; 흔치 않은 기회 so we need to make the most out of it. We don’t know when we’re going to get a chance like this again. ~~가 맞다는걸 나도 알고있다고 표현할때 I don’t think that’s a fair compa...

난지 캠핑장: Nanji Camping

Nanji Camping with LG friends 참석자: 성환, 영석, 오룡, 진성, 형균, 성국 일정 12월 7일 - 12월 8일 아침 Location 난지 캠핑장 Schedule 준비물 개인 슬리퍼

test algolia


휴가를 내다

휴가를 내다: Take time off work. 동료: co-worker 휴가를 신청하다: request a leave When can you take time off work? What? I’ve been working there for only a week I’ve been ~ing something for only ~기간 I have...

화면 UI설명 top left corner

왼쪽 위: The top left corner of the screen. 혹은, uppper left corner. ex> if you look at the top right corner of the screen. The bottom right corner of screen. There’s a button in the top left c...