My journey to study Go lang

Posted by Sungguk's lab on April 28, 2021

Go language is new to me. Well, frankly speaking, 10 years ago. I had a quick look but I lost my interested, and I focused into Dart language. At that time, Go and Dart they both were new language and they both looks decent. But 10 years after, now Go is stil one of the hottest language, on the other hand, Dart is pretty much dead.

Recently I had to use Go language. So I set up a plan to learn Go langue very quickly.

Pluralsight Go: Getting Started

This course explains very basic features of Go language. The things I was a bit confused were module concept and interface. Anyway, the course is really good to finish within one day. Now I can write Go code which is just working. But this course doesn’t explain all about “testing”.

Everybody can write code that is working. But it’s hard to write code that is maintainable.

When I have to write code. and if the programming language is new to me, I first take a look at the coding convention of that language. That way, I can satisfy very minimum requirement. The minimum requirement in this context is a skill to work with other people.

Read the effeictive Go

In Go language, there’s one popular document explaining coding convention of Go language. It’s written by Go community(mostly Googler).



gofmt formats the source.

  • Indentation: use tabs
  • Line length: no line length limits


package comment is documented with godoc. don’t care about the line length. godoc takes care of it.

The first sentence should be a one-sentence summary that starts with the name being declared.. by doing so, we can use doc subcommand. And run the output through grep.


Package names

By convention, packages are given lower case, single-word names; there should be no need for underscores or mixedCaps.