Recently I decided to create a website to help my stock trading.
The website would have
- Currency
- Bitcoin price
- KOSPI, S&P 500 index, Dow, and Nasdaq index
Above values are that I keep watching every day.
- Batch script running daily.
- Use Google Clound Function(
- Google clound Trial project is free.
- Database
- Instead of using realtime database like MS SQL. I decided to use google sheet as a database. Google sheeet provide a bunch of API that I can easily use.
Study Plan
Google Clound Function(
- HTTP Tutorial
To use the google cloud, Google Cloud SDK Installer should be installed first.
project: blog-test-project-262907 is selected
In this tutorial, we deploy node project to gcloud
invoked by HTTP request.
- Serverless web performance monitoring using cloud functions
- Start studying.
- regularly monitoring page performance.
- this project uses Cloud Scheduler job to periodically trigger the first Cloud Function. <- key
a. Cloud project를 생성
- serverless-may-24
Cloud Scheduler job을 하나 만듬. console에서 만들수도 있고 terminal로 만들수도 있음. 이 scheduler는 HTTP를 post로 하나 날리는데, Authentication 정보를 실어서 날림 -> 이게 뭔지 공부해야할듯. Add OIDC token?, service acccount ? Audience? -> gcluod iam 공부해야할듯
Write a script to get data from google sheet. and use it on my blog.
Write up-to-date currency to spread sheet using google cloud function
Write node project that writes currency to google sheet
study cloud scheduler
[Cloud Scheduler] manages cron job service.
Google Cloud Scheduler를 이용하여 cronjob을 만들수가 있음. 이때 트리거 당하는쪽은 pub/sub방식 http방식 혹은 app engine 이 될수가 있음. cloud scheduler 자체는 상당히 간단한 그냥 트리거만 시켜줌. 구현은 각각에서 해야함.
이 펑션은 google clound function으로 구현가능, 혹은 firebase도 pubsub지원
pub/sub 이해